Welcome to Kindergarten!

boy writting

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten in D102 is a special place in which students grow, explore, discover, and interact in rich learning environments. We can't wait to welcome your child into our schools!

Kindergarten Pre-Registration

Visit our Register A Student webpage for more details.

Kindergarten Age Requirement

To begin Kindergarten in August, a child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 for that school year.

  • For the current (2024-2025) school year, the child’s birthday must be between September 2, 2018, and September 1, 2019.

  • For the upcoming (2025-2026) school year, the child’s birthday must be between September 2, 2019, and September 1, 2020.

  • If you are seeking early entrance to Kindergarten, please refer to our guidelines and process in accordance with the IL Acceleration Act on our curriculum page.

Kindergarten Enrichment Fee (2024-2025)

The cost of the kindergarten enrichment program for the 2024-2025 school year is $2,975 with a 9-month installment payment option of $330.55 per month. The kindergarten enrichment tuition fee is intended to be for the whole year; although the District offers a convenient monthly payment plan, it is not intended to be a month-to-month option. All payments are due by the 10th of the month or a $15 late fee applies. The last payment will be due May 10, 2025 and will cover May/June.

Kindergarten Bilingual Spanish Program

If your family speaks Spanish and you are interested in a bilingual Spanish class, please refer to our program page here.

Si su familia habla español y tiene interés un un programa bilingüe, favor de visitar a esta página.

Kindergarten Supply Lists

You may access the Kindergarten supply lists for Pritchett or Tripp at this link.