District Health Procedures
District Wellness Policy
As a reminder, parents should keep their child home when any of the following symptoms are present:
Fever of 100.0 degrees F or higher taken in the morning before school prior to giving medication
Nausea or vomiting
Skin rash or sores
Reddened, swollen, or watery eyes or discharge
Red or swollen joints
Excessive coughing or sneezing
Sore throat
Headache, earache
Students must be free of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, without the use of medications, for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
In addition, when calling your child out of school, please make sure to state the specific symptoms that your child is experiencing so that we may track the patterns of illnesses. As well, if your child has tested positive for Influenza A or B, COVID-19, strep throat, or any other communicable disease, please let us know.
Attendance Line
Attendance Line
Aptakisic Junior High School: (847) 353-5503
Meridian School: (847) 955-3503
Pritchett Elementary School: (847) 353-5703
Tripp Elementary School: (847) 955-3603
For your convenience we have an automated absence phone system that is accessible 24 hours per day. Please use the Absence Line to report all absences from school: late arrivals, partial day, all day absences, and multiple day absences. Call this line as soon as you are aware your child will not attend school.
To report an absence
1. Call the Attendance Line to report the student absence. The Attendance Line is available at all times and may be accessed in advance of the date of absence.
2. Please leave the following information: Student Name (state and spell your child's first and last names), Grade, Name of Teacher, Length and reason for absence (include specific symptoms if absent due to illness)
3. In cases of extended absence, you need not need to call each day. Rather, you may advise the school, in advance, of the approximate length of the absence, along with the reason for the absence.
Non-Reported Absences
For non-reported absences, the school will contact the parent primary phone on the day of the student’s absence using an automated dialing system. A request will be issued to the parent to contact the Attendance Line and verify the reason for the absence.
Please be sure to inform your school office if your phone number has changed to ensure you receive these important alerts.
Required School Physicals:
ALL Kindergarteners are required to submit current Physical and Vision Exams (exam must be less than one year old from the first day of school), and a current Dental Exam (must be dated between 11/15/23 and 5/15/25).
ALL Second Graders are required to submit a current Dental Exam (must be dated between 11/15/23 and 5/15/25).
ALL Sixth Graders are required to submit current Physical Exams (exam must be less than one year old from first day of school attendance), and a current Dental Exam (must be dated between 11/15/23 and 5/15/25).
ALL students NEW to an Illinois school are required to submit current Physical and Vision Exams (exam must be less than one year old from first day of school attendance).
Verify valid exam dates and form due dates with the school nurse. This may vary based on your date of enrollment.
If you are transferring from another Illinois school, we will attempt to obtain your health requirement forms from the previous district but the parent is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all requirements are met prior to the due dates.
See FORMS page for printable blank copies of required forms.
Medication at School
School District 102 and Illinois State Board of Education guidelines state that all prescription and non-prescription medications given during school hours or school-related activities must have a completed Medication Authorization form (see FORMS page) prior to the administration of any medication. Medication prescribed once, twice, or three times daily should be administered outside of school hours. No medication will be given during the school day unless absolutely necessary for the critical health and well-being of the student.
Only after a Medication Authorization form (see FORMS page) has been signed by both the authorized medical provider (MD, NP, or PA) and the parent, may the nurse or a designated substitute give any medication. This includes both prescription and over the counter medications. The school health offices do not supply any medication. Only labeled prescription bottles or medication in their original, unopened packaging will be accepted.
Several childhood immunizations are required upon entry into school. District 102 follows the Illinois State Board of Education requirements.
Immunizations protect children against the following:
Currently, Illinois honors only objections for medical and religious reasons (not personal beliefs) for the required immunizations. If you believe one of these applies to you, please contact your child's school nurse to discuss next steps and the required documentation.